Developing Higher Order Thinking in Elementary School Science: A Narrative Around a Research Group Quest. Furman, M., Luzuriaga, M., & Taylor, I. (2022) En: Alves et al. (Eds.) Cognitive Sciences and Education in Non-WEIRD Populations. Springer.
Educative Curriculum Materials and Their Role in the Learning of Science Teaching. Furman, M., Luzuriaga, M., Gómez, M. & Duque, M. (2022) En: Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education. Routledge.
Getting Ready to Work with Socio-Scientific Issues in the Classroom: A study with Argentine Teachers. Furman, M., Taylor, I., Luzuriaga, M. & Podestá, M.E. (2020) En: Science Teacher Education for Responsible Citizenship. Towards a Pedagogy for Relevance through Socioscientific Issues. Springer.
La educación científica en las aulas de América Latina. Furman, M. (2018) En: El Estado de la Ciencia. Principales Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología Iberoamericanos/ Interamericanos. RICYT.
Science Teacher Education in Argentina. Furman, M. y Luzuriaga, M. (2017) En: Model Science Teacher Preparation Programs. Pedersen, Isozaki & Hirano (Editores). Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos: Information Age Publishing.
¿Los peces pueden asfixiarse en el agua? Desmenuzando la idea de comprender conceptos en ciencia. Gellon, G. y Furman, M. (2012) En: La Pizarra de Babel: Puentes entre Neurociencia, Psicología y Educación, de Sebastián Lipina, y Mariano Sigman (Editores). Buenos Aires: Editorial “Libros Del Zorzal”.
Preparing Science Teachers for Diverse Audiences: Race, class and social Justice. Calabrese Barton, A., Furman, M. y colaboradores (2007) En: Teacher Education for Diversity and Social Justice. Nicole Gillespie and Angelo Collins (Editores).
Working on the Margins to Bring Science to the Center of Students´ Lives: The Development of a School-University Partnership in New York City. Calabrese Barton, Furman, Muir, Barnes y Monaco (2007) En: Research Collaboration: Relationships and Praxis. Ritchie, S. (Editor). Sense Publishers, Bold Visions in Educational Research Series.
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