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Conferences open to the community

Various spaces are regularly proposed for the exchange of ideas and the communication of experiences and good practices. These spaces are open to the public, they are free and have references on the subject. They take place on the Campus of the University of San Andrés or are broadcast virtually.

Those that have been carried out since the beginning of the Program are

Ibero-American Seminar: Innovation and networking for Educational Cooperation

On March 9, our executive coordinator Carla Sabbatini participated in the Ibero-American Seminar: Innovation and networking for Educational Cooperation that took place in the city of Madrid.

At the event, the OEI and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain launched the Ibero-American Network of Educational Innovation and Research

Participation in the Latin American Meeting of Educators on Innovation and Sustainability

On February 14, 15 and 16, the Latin American Meeting of Educators - Innovation and Sustainability Is75 - was held at the Scholem Aleichem Schools headquarters in Buenos Aires, organized by Keren Kayemet LeIsrael and Fundación Bamá.
Carla Sabbatini, executive director of the Chair, gave a talk in which I addressed the context in which we have to educate and the importance of education to promote sustainable development.

Third International Congress of Environmental Education for Sustainability

On November 17 and 18, Carla Sabbatini participated in the Third International Congress of Environmental Education for Sustainability in Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico.

Carla was in charge of the opening keynote and facilitated some workshop spaces.

Coordiep Meeting 2022

Encuentro de Coordiep 2022

On Thursday, October 20, Carla Sabbatini participated in the XX COORDIEP MEETING.

Carla offered a talk about how Education for the Sustainability of Global Citizenship can be an opportunity for educational improvement.

Conference - From the future as probability to the future as possibility: education facing the crossroads of the climate crisis

Jason Beech, visiting professor at the School of Education and Academic Leader of our Chair, visited us from Australia where he currently works as Professor of Educational Policy at Monash University.

In his conference he invited us to reflect and rethink the relationship between education and the future to address the challenges posed by the climate crisis.

(September 2022).

See recording

Open conference "Water, Education and Sustainability", a look towards transversality

Damián Indij invited the participants to reflect on how water is present in all aspects of our lives, also on how we talk about water in educational settings, offering keys to take advantage of the enormous potential that it has as a theme to systemically understand the challenges to The sustainability.

(June 2022)

See recording

Series of Conferences on Global Citizenship organized by Ceibal

Within the framework of the Lecture Series on Global Citizenship organized by Ceibal, the executive coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship, Carla Sabbatini offered a conference on Education for Sustainable Development.

(June 2022)

See recording

Post-pandemic Educational and Curricular Transformations: Challenges for the region

Within the framework of the visit to Argentina of Yao Ydo, director of the UNESCO International Office of Education, we co-organized, together with @CIPPEC, this activity in which Mag.

Renato Opertti gave a presentation on cases analyzed in the book Futures for Education: Lessons from educational innovation during the covid 19 pandemic.

Network of Universities for the Care of the Common Home -RUC

On the occasion of the Third World Conference on Higher Education convened by UNESCO in Barcelona in May 2022.

Carla Sabbatini participated in the round table of the Association of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean for Integration -AUALCPI-, representing UdeSA in the collaboration agreement of the Network of Universities for the Care of the Common Home -RUC.

The meeting was at the Headquarters of the Organization of Ibero-American States, in CABA.

(May 2022)

A meeting to think about education as a vehicle for sustainable development

Carla Sabbatini participated in a talk organized by Ticmas together with teachers from all over our country where they reflected on the need to address ESD at all educational levels.

Education for sustainable development is one of the main challenges that educational systems must take on today. It is part of quality education to develop the skills and values that school-age children and young people require to contribute to the integrity of the environment and global citizenship.

(November 2021)

¿How to work on climate change in schools?

Within the framework of the REDES initiative, managed by the youth organization Eco House and which we support from the Presidency, and on the occasion of the Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow, our Coordinator Carla Sabbatini spoke with Inés Camilloni live from the Eco House Instagram account.
(November 2021).

see recording

Climate change, scarcity and access

Within the framework of the REDES initiative, managed by the youth organization Eco House and which we accompany from the Chair, and on the occasion of water week Damián Indij, our Strategic Advisor participated in an Instagram live to talk about the “Problems of the water: Climate change, access and scarcity".

Damián Indij shared this activity with Juan Lapetini, Executive Director of Aguas Seguras and Julián Weich, Ambassador of Unicef ​​​​Argentina. The activity was moderated by María Elizabeta Tuzzi, Coordinator of the Education for Sustainability department at Eco House Global.

(August 2021)

see recording

Conversation “Towards the implementation of the National Law of Comprehensive Environmental Education.”

Conversation organized by the Sustainability Education Program of the Universidad de San Andrés, within the framework of its Online Training Program in Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship. It was a free activity open to the public, organized together with Eco House and with the participation of invited specialists from different provinces of our country.

The discussion included the participation of Lía Bachmann (Environmental Education Ministry of Education - Geography UBA), Cristina Martínez (Head of the Provincial Environmental Education Program of the General Council of Education of the Province of Entre Ríos), Darío Roveda (Bachelor in Environmental Management , Former Director of Environmental Policies of the Province of Chaco), Analía Villagran (Head of the Environmental Education area of ​​the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development of the province of Salta), Natalia Macri (Institutional communicator, former coordinator of Communication and Environmental Education from the Province of Rio Negro, Former coordinator of the Environmental Education Commission of the Federal Environment Council (EECFEC)) and Máximo Mazzocco (founder and president of Eco House Global).


Javier Goldschtein Casariego, Former Director of Environmental Education of the National Ministry of Environment. In charge of the construction of the ENEA 2017/2019 and Carla Sabbatini, Coordinator of the Education for Sustainability Program at the UdeSA School of Education.

(June 2021)

see recording

Education for global citizenship and sustainable development

Virtual conference organized by the Sustainability Education Program of the Universidad de San Andrés, within the framework of its Online Training Program in Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship. It was a free activity open to the public, with collaboration with the Argentine National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO, the Regional Office of Education for Latin America, and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) and the Regional Office of Sciences for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO Montevideo Office).


  • Romina Kasman, Education Program Specialist and regional program coordinator, OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.
  • Cristián Bravo, Specialist Consultant in Education for Sustainable Development, OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.
  • Zelmira May, National Program Specialist for Education, UNESCO Montevideo Office
  • Daniela Perrotta, National Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Education of the Nation.
  • María Florencia Noya Dive, CONAPLU Coordinator.
  • Daniela Zallocco, National Coordinator UNESCO PEA Network Argentina.
  • Carla Sabbatini, Coordinator of the Education for Sustainability Program at the UdeSA School of Education.

(April 2021).

see recording

Climate change and coronavirus: lights and shadows of the great crises we are going through.

Virtual conference by Inés Camilloni who invited participants to reflect on the common points and challenges that these global crises present us. A space for exchange was also created with Máximo Mazzocco from “Ecohouse” and Santiago Giambroni from “Youth for Climate”, representatives of the new generations actively involved in climate action.

This event was part of the activities spread globally by the Earth Day organization, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2020. View: https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2020

see recording

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