Academic Socialization
Workshop for the elaboration of the implementation strategy for the certification of green schools (Honduras)
At the invitation of UNESCO San José we were in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, facilitating a workshop for the elaboration of the implementation strategy for the certification of green education centres of the Honduran Ministry of Education .
Co-organised by UNESCO and the Department of Environmental and Health Education and Communication -DECOAS, the workshop provided an opportunity to share concepts and experiences in green education in Honduras, and also to identify recommendations for action to establish the basis for taking this initiative forward in a contextualised way in each educational centre.
The workshop was given by our Executive Director, Carla Sabbatini, in her capacity as Consultant for the UNESCO Regional Office for Central America, Mexico and Colombia. Working groups were formed to analyse and compile inputs to provide a document with guidelines for the certification of green schools, and for the implementation of a methodological guide containing dimensions of: teaching and learning, community engagement, governance, and infrastructure and operation.
Link to UNESCO´greening education partnership
German-Argentine Schools´ workshop
In the framework of the Landesweite Tagung der AGDS 2024: ‘Motivating for a Sustainable Education’ organised by the Community of German-Argentine Schools. Carla Sabbatini offered a talk: ‘Improving education to take care of the planet or taking care of the planet to improve education?’, and a workshop where some keys to address Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship at school were discussed.
It was an outstanding event that brought together educational authorities, teachers and administrators from German schools in Argentina.
Conversation on the Challenges of Education for Sustainable Development in Ecuador and Argentina
In a world facing increasingly complex environmental, social and economic challenges, education plays a fundamental role in building a more just and sustainable future for all.
In this conversation Carla Sabbatini and Leonardo Izquierdo with the moderation of Ernesto Mirt (Unesco Quito) discussed how the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development at UTPL (Ecuador) and the UNESCO Chair for Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship at the University of San Andrés (Argentina) are addressing these current challenges, sharing good practices and lessons learned that can inspire and guide other countries and communities.
The Recommendation on Education for Peace and Human Rights
In the last days of March, Carla Sabbatini participated in a face-to-face workshop at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, to collaborate in the drafting process of a guide for the implementation of the Recommendation on Education for Peace and Human Rights, International Understanding, Cooperation, Fundamental Freedoms, Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development.
It was an honour to think together with specialists from different sectors of UNESCO, and shape together the future document that aims to provide guidance to decision-makers to implement the important guidelines proposed by the Recommendation, unanimously adopted by all countries in 2023. We will continue to collaborate in the process, which will culminate with the launch of the new guide at the G20 meeting in Brasil in November this year.
Link to the text of the Recommendation (2023)
Kick-Off Meeting ERASMIS + ACT4SDG's Project
From 25 to 28 March, Magdalena Zavalía participated in the Kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS + ACT4SDG's project to promote the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in higher education.
The meeting was held at the facilities of the Department of Geography of the Heidelberg University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany.
Representatives of the 14 universities that make up the consortium participated: representing Mexico were the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México and the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, representing Colombia were the Universidad de Santander and the Universidad EAFIT, representing Costa Rica were the Universidad para la Paz/ Carta de la Tierra, Universidad Nacional, Universidad Técnica Nacional and the Universidad de Costa Rica, representing Argentina were the Universidad Austral and the Universidad de San Andrés. In addition to the hosts (University of Education in Heidelberg), representatives of the European universities from Cyprus Frederick University and the University of Crete from Greece also participated.
They were days of hard work and shared learning in which it was possible to deepen the main aspects of the project, as well as to define the work plan to be followed during the next 3 years.
II Ibero-American Seminar on educational innovation ‘Innovative methodologies in the promotion of the SDGs’
On 19 and 20 March, Carla Sabbatini participated in the II Ibero-American Seminar on educational innovation held in the city of Madrid, where she presented the study ‘Transformative Education for Sustainable Development in Ibero-America’, coordinated by Renato Opertti, and co-authored with Ezequiel Gómez Caride and Ignacio Barrenechea from the University of San Andrés.
Ceibal Summer School
In the framework of the Ceibal 2024 Summer School, which offered various proposals for training and exchange between teachers, our executive director Carla Sabbatini, participated in the conference ‘Improving Education to take care of the planet, or taking care of the planet to improve education?