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Academic Socialization



Workshop for the elaboration of the implementation strategy for the certification of green schools (Honduras)

At the invitation of UNESCO San José we were in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, facilitating a workshop for the elaboration of the implementation strategy for the certification of green education centres of the Honduran Ministry of Education .

Co-organised by UNESCO and the Department of Environmental and Health Education and Communication -DECOAS, the workshop provided an opportunity to share concepts and experiences in green education in Honduras, and also to identify recommendations for action to establish the basis for taking this initiative forward in a contextualised way in each educational centre.

The workshop was given by our Executive Director, Carla Sabbatini, in her capacity as Consultant for the UNESCO Regional Office for Central America, Mexico and Colombia. Working groups were formed to analyse and compile inputs to provide a document with guidelines for the certification of green schools, and for the implementation of a methodological guide containing dimensions of: teaching and learning, community engagement, governance, and infrastructure and operation.

Link to UNESCO´greening education partnership



German-Argentine Schools´ workshop

In the framework of the Landesweite Tagung der AGDS 2024: ‘Motivating for a Sustainable Education’ organised by the Community of German-Argentine Schools. Carla Sabbatini offered a talk: ‘Improving education to take care of the planet or taking care of the planet to improve education?’, and a workshop where some keys to address Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship at school were discussed.

It was an outstanding event that brought together educational authorities, teachers and administrators from German schools in Argentina.



Conversation on the Challenges of Education for Sustainable Development in Ecuador and Argentina

In a world facing increasingly complex environmental, social and economic challenges, education plays a fundamental role in building a more just and sustainable future for all.

In this conversation Carla Sabbatini and Leonardo Izquierdo with the moderation of Ernesto Mirt (Unesco Quito) discussed how the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development at UTPL (Ecuador) and the UNESCO Chair for Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship at the University of San Andrés (Argentina) are addressing these current challenges, sharing good practices and lessons learned that can inspire and guide other countries and communities. 

Watch recording >>



The Recommendation on Education for Peace and Human Rights

In the last days of March, Carla Sabbatini participated in a face-to-face workshop at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, to collaborate in the drafting process of a guide for the implementation of the Recommendation on Education for Peace and Human Rights, International Understanding, Cooperation, Fundamental Freedoms, Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development.

It was an honour to think together with specialists from different sectors of UNESCO, and shape together the future document that aims to provide guidance to decision-makers to implement the important guidelines proposed by the Recommendation, unanimously adopted by all countries in 2023. We will continue to collaborate in the process, which will culminate with the launch of the new guide at the G20 meeting in Brasil in November this year.

Link to the text of the Recommendation (2023)


Kick-Off Meeting ERASMIS + ACT4SDG's Project

From 25 to 28 March, Magdalena Zavalía participated in the Kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS + ACT4SDG's project to promote the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in higher education.

The meeting was held at the facilities of the Department of Geography of the Heidelberg University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany.

Representatives of the 14 universities that make up the consortium participated: representing Mexico were the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México and the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, representing Colombia were the Universidad de Santander and the Universidad EAFIT, representing Costa Rica were the Universidad para la Paz/ Carta de la Tierra, Universidad Nacional, Universidad Técnica Nacional and the Universidad de Costa Rica, representing Argentina were the Universidad Austral and the Universidad de San Andrés. In addition to the hosts (University of Education in Heidelberg), representatives of the European universities from Cyprus Frederick University and the University of Crete from Greece also participated.

They were days of hard work and shared learning in which it was possible to deepen the main aspects of the project, as well as to define the work plan to be followed during the next 3 years.


II Ibero-American Seminar on educational innovation ‘Innovative methodologies in the promotion of the SDGs’

On 19 and 20 March, Carla Sabbatini participated in the II Ibero-American Seminar on educational innovation held in the city of Madrid, where she presented the study ‘Transformative Education for Sustainable Development in Ibero-America’, coordinated by Renato Opertti, and co-authored with Ezequiel Gómez Caride and Ignacio Barrenechea from the University of San Andrés.

Access link to the study




Ceibal Summer School

In the framework of the Ceibal 2024 Summer School, which offered various proposals for training and exchange between teachers, our executive director Carla Sabbatini, participated in the conference ‘Improving Education to take care of the planet, or taking care of the planet to improve education?

Round table "How to communicate science effectively" (May) - International Book Fair

Carla Sabbatini, our executive director, participated together with Guadalupe Diaz Constanzo, director of the Culture and Science Center in Buenos Aires, in the panel "Women who are transforming education" organized by TICMAS at the 47th International Book Fair in Buenos Aires. The purpose of the talk was to reflect on the interplay between science and sustainability in education through a discussion panel called "Communicating science: the impact of knowledge on society."

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"Producing Sustainably" (April) - TV panel

Carla Sabbatini participated in the media cycle "The world to come" organized by Clarín. On this occasion, Carla shared the panel with José Fonrouge, Ternium's global director of sustainability; Sebastián Bigorito, executive director of CEADS (Argentine Business Council for Sustainable Development) and Rocío Mellas, director of content and sustainability at Kompost.
"Producing Sustainably" is the second talk of the TV cycle "The world to come", 10 meetings with various stakeholders like company executives, government officials, social leaders, experts and entrepreneurs, led by Clarín journalists on the challenges that companies face today in our country.

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Ibero-American Seminar: Innovation and networking for Educational Cooperation (March)

Our executive coordinator Carla Sabbatini, participated in the Ibero-American Seminar: Innovation and networking for Educational Cooperation that took place in the city of Madrid. At the event, the OEI and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain launched the Ibero-American Network for Educational Innovation and Research

More information about the event and access to the recording

Latin American Meeting of Educators on Innovation and Sustainability (February)

The Latin American Meeting of Educators – Innovation and Sustainability Is75 - was held at the headquarters of the Scholem Aleijem Schools in Buenos Aires, organized by Keren Kayemet LeIsrael and Fundación Bamá. Carla Sabbatini, executive director of the Chair, addressed the context in which we have to educate and the importance of education to promote sustainable development.

International Symposium on Environmental Education of the City of Buenos Aires

On May 31, our Executive Director, Carla Sabbatini, participated in the round table "Curricular and pedagogical challenges of environmental education" with Guillermo Priotto and Silvia Morelli.

Government of life in schools. Crossroads between health and education

On December 18, it was carried out the third session of the Democracy and Inclusion for a new public education entitled "Government of life in schools. Crosses between health and education".

Our executive director, Carla Sabbatini, participated along with the following national and international panelists: Paula G. Rodríguez Zoya, Daniela Alburquerque González, Nicolás Fuster Sánchez.

DISCUSSION Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship as an opportunity for educational improvement.

Within the framework of its Integral Ecology Program, the University of San Isidro invites the executive coordinator of our UNESCO Chair, Carla Sabbatini to participate in the conversation with Fernando Barilatti and Felipe Collazo about how Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship can be an opportunity for educational improvement.

(October 2021).

Latin American Fashion Congress IXEL "Fashion and Education"

Building bridges with the UdeSA Department of Design, our executive coordinator gave a lecture at the 11th Latin American Fashion Congress, emphasizing on Education, reflecting on the role of design in the field of Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship. Thanks to Laura Novik for the invitation.

(October 2021).

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

Launch of the report "Accelerating education for the SDOs in universities". Carla Sabbatini participated in the launch of the international guide to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education institutions. Carla presented the work of the Education for Sustainability Program (SEP) as a guest specialist along with María García Álvarez (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences), Javier Benayas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Guadalupe Mendoza Zuany, (Universidad Veracruzana). The panel was moderated by Carlos Mataix (Centre for Innovation in Technology for Human Development (itdUPM).

(May 2021)


Political Training Institute of the GCBA "Good Practices in Public Policies"

Carla Sabbatini, coordinator of the Sustainability Education Program, participated in the opening of the course, providing an introduction about Environmental and Sustainability Education.

(March 2021)

Earth Charter "Meeting on Education for Sustainable Development: pedagogies and reflections"

With the participation of Miriam Vilela and Alicia Gimenez (Earth Charter), María Vilches (Universidad Metropolitana de Puerto Rico) and Carla Sabbatini (UdeSA).

(March 2021)


Innova 2020 (8th. Edition)

Carla Sabbatini participated in the opening of Innova 2020, the educational festival of the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires, within the framework of the World SDG Week. On the initiative of the Ministry's Global Citizenship Program, the activity entitled brought together a panel in which Carla spoke with the renowned journalist Serguio Elguezabal and María Eugenia Di Paola, Coordinator of Environment and Sustainable Development for Argentina of the United Nations Development Program.

(September 2020).

1st Congress "Environmental Policies, Sustainable Development and Innovations"

FLACSO Argentina and the National University of La Matanza (UNLaM).

Carla Sabbatini representing the Education Program for Sustainability of the University of San Andrés participated in the table of "Anthropological, social, environmental practices and innovations applied for development" together with Felipe Oschenius (FLACSO), Marcelo Ferrero (UNDAV) and Roque Pedace (UBA).

(November 2019).

University of San Isidro

Open conference within the framework of the Bachelor of Education (April 2019): "Education for Sustainability as an opportunity for school improvement", by Carla Sabbatini.

"Dialogues on Transdiscipline and Sustainability"

Gino Germani Institute (UBA) and UNTreF.

With the participation of Juliana Merçon (Universidad Veracruzana de México), Alexander Laszlo (president of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science of Austria) and Carla Sabbatini, and moderated by Leonardo Rodríguez Zoya, researcher at CONICET, Inst. Gino Germani and professor at UNTREF.

(March 2019).

"Environmental communication and education as tools for change in society"

National Academy of Sciences of Buenos Aires, within the framework of the workshop: "Communication and environmental education as tools for change in society", dissertation on "Education for Sustainability as an opportunity for school improvement" by Damián Indij and Carla Sabbatini

(August 2018).

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